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What to Expect from the Apprenticeship


Mind blowing experiences and a spiritual awakening are what's to be expected from this apprenticeship. Okay, well maybe not expected, but it could happen. Seriously though, you can expect a well thought out course with optimum learning retention in mind. I believe hands on experience is one of the best ways to learn. Each class will be unique, creative, and informative. We'll look at healing and our integration of self with nature. This experience will change you, but only for the better.


You can expect homework. A simple reason for this is obviously not for a grade, there are no grades. Nor will you receive any college credit or formal certificate, although I'll be happy to print you out a certificate for a year's work of your folk healing apprenticeship! The homework is to keep you engaged and get you used to applying your new knowledge at home where it will do you the most good. There will be study projects. At the end of the year, you'll be able to use these as guides for years to come.


Expect a nonjudgemental atmosphere. We all come from different experiences. Each person is valued for their own unique perspective. This type of class can get personal, whether it's due to health, spiritual, or other issues. We won't allow others to judge you and please be aware of how you might judge others. Everyone's journey is their own.


Enrollment in this apprenticeship will remain open provided there is space available. However, I ask you that you commit to at least one month. You'll get the most out of your apprenticeship if you go for a full year. I will be offering an intermediate apprenticeship next year and an advanced one the year after that. So by October 2016 I'll be offering a Basic, Intermediate, and an Advanced folk healing apprenticeship.


Payments are due the first class of each month for the full month of classes. I do this so I'll have more time in each class devoted to the class instead of taking payments. However, should you not be able to do this, let me know, we'll work something out. Also, if you cannot afford this apprenticeship, but would really like to attend, let me know, we'll work something out. I believe everyone has something to offer and just because it may not be in monetary terms, does not mean it's not just as valuable and sometimes even more so.


Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. I look forward to working with you.

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