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Introductions begin, with each other, and with the natural world around us. This month we will focus on immune health and the herbs and foods that keep away colds and flus. We'll do some plant identification from a trail by Cold Springs Campground. We'll save seeds, learn about wild crafting and how to identify herbs in the wild, do some harvesting, and do some tea blending. As it is October and a very spiritual time of year as we settle into autumn, we will also study herbs connected to the spirit. We'll end the month with an autumn party.






With Thanksgiving happening this month we have to focus on digestive health. We will make kombucha, talk about fermenting foods, and work with herbs that aid in digestion. We will also work with some common culinary herbs and their medicinal uses. As we get deeper into the holiday season I feel it's important to talk about fats, sugars, and salts and why they are a necessary part of the season, when used correctly. This month will end with a simple potluck.






We will keep our focus on the simple things in life while it seems everyone else is busier and has their lives more complicated than ever. It’s time to reflect on what nature and those around us have provided and focus on our friends and family. We’ll make some herbal gifts, do some intuitive tea blending, and learn how to make salves. We’ll learn about evergreens and their importance in the winter months. At the end of the month we’ll have a winter comfort party.





When cold weather strikes, so do the aches and pains. We will learn which herbs help ease the pain and also how to make poultices. The element of fire is an important one during this time and we'll learn why and how to incorporate it more into our lives even if we don't have a fireplace. As winter is a time to reflect inward, we will walk the labyrinth in Sisters.






It's heart month. We will study the physical as well as the spiritual aspect of this one. We will also focus this month on natural body care for our skin, nails, and hair. This means herbal foot baths, simple lotions and creams, herbal hair rinses, and more. At the end of the month we'll have a mini spa day!






By the time March rolls around it seems as if the long, dark, cold days will never end. What are we to do? Have a St. Patricks Day party of course! Or as I like to call it since this month also marks the first day of spring, an “Irish Spring” Party! It won't be all pub songs and merriment, we'll also be studying the herbs of Ireland and learn how wild foods sustained many people during the potato famine. It's also a great time to talk about spring detoxes and tonic herbs.






Who's dreaming of a garden? I know I always am. We'll break out the seed catalogs, discuss the best places to get safe seed, and plan our gardens. We'll also study urinary health and some great herbal remedies for common problems. At the end of the month we'll be dying fabrics and paper with roots, herbs, and other plant materials.






As Mother's Day is in this month, we'll study the herbs specifically for women's health, both the ones that really work and the ones that are all hype. We'll harvest some raspberry leaves and learn how to dry them. We'll study wild greens and why they're so important. At the end of the month we'll have an herbal tea party!






While most of us think, “Yay! Summer's here!”, this month tends to bring about pesky problems, like allergies, asthma, bug bites, scrapes, and bruises as we venture back out into the great outdoors. We'll learn some natural ways to greatly reduce allergy and asthma symptoms (with no side effects!). We'll also touch on the topic of men's health and some helpful herbs for common complaints. At the end of the month we'll put together a natural first aid kit!






The heat is on and it's important to keep hydrated, but water just isn't enough. We'll learn what herbs help balance our electrolytes and how to make herbal waters. We'll have a field trip to an Old Growth Forest for some plant identification. We'll learn about some common garden herbs and do some harvesting. At the end of the month we'll make herbal syrups and turn them into popsicles!






One of my favorite months is August for working with herbs. There's so much to do. We'll learn how to make solar herb infused oils, do some harvesting, and learn to identify more plants. Towards the end of the month we'll be going on a one night camping trip to Cascadia State Park!





As we're still in fire season here in the High Desert, we'll talk about which herbs are good for lung health. We'll go on a field trip to Camp Sherman for plant identification. Then as our year is coming to an end, we'll go over our yearlong study projects, and have a celebration. A special surprise awaits those who've made it the whole year!





This is just a simplified version of what's to come. At the first class of each month you will be given a detailed schedule for each class that month, including homework, and any materials you'll need to bring. Any field trips will be within a half hour from Sisters with the exception of one in July, which will take a bit longer than that, and one in August which will be approximately an hour from Sisters and be an overnight trip.


Payments for the month will be due at the first class of each month. However, no one will be turned away for an inability to pay. If you have a skill or other product to offer instead of a monetary payment, I will be happy to discuss this with you. Some class materials will need to be bought and brought to class. If you are unable to do so, please let me know ahead of time. We will be carpooling for field trips.


Their will be homework and special study projects and they are an essential part of being able to retain the information gained from this class. They will also be your guides when you or someone you love winds up sick and you can't remember what to do. While information is important it is my goal that people not only walk away with great experiences, folk healing knowledge, and a basic apothecary at home, but more importantly, with a deeper intuitive sense of the natural systems of our bodies and our environment.


A Year at a Glance

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